Day 15 – Glory In The Highest

Luke 2:13-14 ESV

Focal Scripture: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth people among those with whom he is pleased!”

According to SpurgeonCreation exists to glorify God. The twinkling dew drops, morning sun, blossoming flowers, birds that fly, lambs that skip in the mead and the fish that swim in the water, all glorify God. Everything beneath the sky glorifies God, but not man. Even the stars and lightning exalt Him. As majestic as this worship to God is, it pales in comparison to the sweet song of incarnation. A song created when God became flesh. He laid down His power and became man out of love for us. His faithfulness to us displayed in that act. With that act He fulfilled His promises foretold by prophecy. In Christ, God is glorified. The universe holds God’s footprint, but in Jesus we see his image. He was the Son of Man and the Son of God.  

Joy Born At Bethlehem-Sermon delivered Dec. 24, 1871

My Thoughts: As we interact with nature we can feel God’s grandeur, power and beauty. Even those that don’t call God their LORD can feel His beauty and power through His creation. The whole world was created by Him and acts in full service to Him. Even the raging seas listen to His commands. In Mark 4:41 we see the disciples marvel at Jesus’s power when they say, “...Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” People on the other hand can easily resist God. We have to make a choice to follow Him or not. We make a choice to glorify God or act in rebellion towards Him. God became flesh and gave us the greatest gift of all, salvation. This is a gift that is freely given, not because we deserved or earned it, but rather because of how much God loves us. In order to receive this gift we must accept and follow His son Jesus. 

Prayer Note: 

  1. A heart of Thanksgiving over our salvation

  2. A heart of gratitude and worship towards God

  3. Pray for our loved ones’ salvation


Day 14 – Sing For Joy


Day 16 – Goodwill Towards You